Thursday 26 April 2012

Zyanose - Insane Noise Raid (2012)

Zyanose is a crasher crust band from Tokyo, Japan and was formed in 2002. They're extremely noisy and are inspired by bands like Confuse, Gai, Gloom, etc. Members also play in Defector and fill-in for various other noisy bands in the konton crasher scene. Insane Noise Raid is the first and long-awaited Zyanose full-length CD. Please do not be fooled by the cover, because you might bleed to death out of your ears after putting this on.


Zyanose & The Separations - Fuck Split CD-R (2006)

Zyanose is a crasher crust band from Tokyo, Japan and was formed in 2002. They're extremely noisy and are inspired by bands like Confuse, Gai, Gloom, etc. Members also play in Defector, fill-in for various other noisy bands in the konton crasher scene and 'secretly' play(ed?) in The Seperations (AKA the other band on this split). This was the first and currently their only split of Zyanose.


Zyanose - Spirochaeta (2005)

Zyanose is a crasher crust band from Tokyo, Japan and was formed in 2002. They're extremely noisy and are inspired by bands like Confuse, Gai, Gloom, etc. Members also play in Defector and fill-in for various other noisy bands in the 'konton crasher' scene. Spirochaeta was the first demo and was released on CD-r in 2005.


Wednesday 25 April 2012

Autophagia & Scatologic Madness Possession - Split Tape

Autophagia was a one-man goregrind band from Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia, Greece who formed in 1997, and Scatologic Madness Possession was an goregrind band from Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil and was formed in 2002. In terms of sound, both Autophagia and Scatologic Madness Possession were probably the most punk, old-school, intensive and visceral goregrind ever; mixing old-style goregrind with crustgrind, mincecore, noisecore and even a tiny bit of powerviolence song structure. Most influences include bands like Dead Infection, Last Days Of Humanity, Regurgitate, Extreme Noise Terror, Disrupt, Agathocles, Fear Of God, Rot, Warsore, 7 Minutes Of Nausea, Sore Throat, Gore Beyond Necropsy, etc. This split was actually released both on tape as well as CD, but I think this is actually the CD rip.


Feculent Goretomb - Archives Of Advance Pathological States & Hospital Atrocities (2000)

Feculent Goretomb was a pathological goregrind band from Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil who were formed in 1998. They played in the old-school and very crusty vein of the genre, comparable to Autophagia, Dead Infection, Regurgitate and their Brazilian peers, Scatological Madness Possession and Lymphatic Phelgm. Archives Of Advance Pathological States & Hospital Atrocities was their first and only demo, it was released on both tape as well CD (which contained live bonus material) but this is the tape rip.


Giftgasattack - D-Beat Noise Crust Inferno (2008)

Giftgasattack is crasher crust / d-beat band from Göteborg, Sweden. They're comparable to bands from the infamous extremely noise-laden Japan d-beat / hardcore or 'crasher crust' scene; Confuse, Gai, Disclose, Gloom, Framtid, etc. However, Giftgasattack may very well be one of the noisiest bands still going today of this style. D-Beat Noise Crust Inferno was their second demo CD-r.


Giftgasattack - Distort Trash Destroy (2007)

Giftgasattack is crasher crust / d-beat band from Göteborg, Sweden. They're comparable to bands from the infamous extremely noise-laden Japan d-beat / hardcore or 'crasher crust' scene; Confuse, Gai, Disclose, Gloom, Framtid, etc. However, Giftgasattack may very well be one of the noisiest bands still going today of this style. Distort Trash Destroy is a demo CD-r and was their first release ever.


Stomachal Corrosion - Transtorno Obsceno Repulsivo

Stomachal Corrosion were a mincecore band from Cambuí, Brazil and were active from the early 1990s to the early 2000s. Musically and lyrically, Stomachal Corrosion were very similar to Agathocles, Rot, Violent Headache, etc. Transtorno Obsceno Repulsivo was the band's long overdue first - and last - full-length CD.


Violent Gorge, Bestial Vomit & Bachelor Weekend - 3-Way Split Tape

Violent Gorge is a mincecore band from Winnipeg, Canada; Bestial Vomit is a mincecore / noisecore band from Roma, Italy; Bachelor Weekend is a noisecore band also from Winnipeg, Canada. All bands on this tape are extremely noisy, lo-fi and in my opinion, doing it the best of anyone in the scene today. I think this might be sold out now, but you can write to Aggressive Valley Tapes (joewarkentin AT hotmail DOT COM)which is run by Joe of Violent Gorge and a million other fantastic bands, for those that don't know. I encourage you to put down a full $3 and order it if you can, support true DIY grind for musical destruction!


Tuesday 24 April 2012

Disturbance Project - Mediocridad Extrema (2009)

Disturbance Project is a mincecore band from Madrid, Spain and were formed by ex-members of Denak when they decided to call it quits in around 2004. So, Disturbance Project is essentially a continuation of Denak with slightly higher-quality recordings. Mediocridad Extrema complies all the pre-2009 Disturbance Project splits on one CD. I'd highly recommended this if you're into stuff like Violent Headache, Rot, Dahmer, Unholy Grave, etc.


Tuesday 17 April 2012

Ripping Tapes?

If anyone would be gracious enough to explain in a sentence or two some methods to achieve a good quality rip of cassette tapes, I'd very much appreciate it. Just got some cool stuff in the mail that I'd like to share with all of you!

Email me that sentence or two here: freetogrind AT gmail DOT COM

Thanks in advance, fellow grinders!

Friday 13 April 2012

Forward Ohio 2012

"What is Forward Ohio? Forward Ohio is a yearly traveling punk music festival. Along with offering all ages music, workshops and zine/book distros, Forward Ohio raises money for local charities in each host city."

Here's the Fartbook Page, the Fartbook Event and below I posted all the lineup / venue information.

FORWARD OHIO 2012 (First Part)

Saturday, April 21st, 2012
2:00pm at Chop Chop Gallery (Opal Stackhouse)
78 Parsons Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43215

SILO (Ohio Hardcore)
SICK FIX (D.C. Hardcore)
EDDIE BROCK (Baltimore Fastcore)
HEARTLESS (Pittsburgh Hardcore)
BACKSLIDER (Philly Fastcore)
GRIN AND BEAR IT (Cleveland Grind)
HIGHER FIVES (johnstown, pa punk)
NERVOSAS (columbus punk/members of ex whites and new creases)
POWER ABUSE (Columbus Hardcore)
LOCUSTA (Columbus Death Metal)
- All Ages!
- $10 at the door
- No Booze!
- Charity Raffle Prizes

Then we'll move across the street for the second part.

FORWARD OHIO 2012: Second Part
Saturday, April 21st, 2012
9:00pm at Carabar
115 Parsons Avenue
Columbus, Ohio

FACE VALUE (Cleveland Hardcore legends)
NUKKEHAMMER (Ohio ripping D-Beat/Hardcore)
DELAY (cbus pop punk)
MASAKARI (Cleveland Metallic Hardcore)
COP HUGGER (Athens Punk)
- All Ages!
- Free Show!

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Skunk - Demo (2008)

Skunk is a crustcore band from Winnipeg, Canada. The lineup is comprised of members of Archagathus, Violent Gorge, Skeleton, Loutish and the rest of the fabulous Winnipeg scene. Some seriously crushing but catchy crust, in the vein of bands like Extreme Noise Terror, Disrupt, Consume, State Of Fear, etc. But of course, this has a very mincing vibe to it due these noises coming out of the infamous Winnipegosis scene. Here's their first self-released demo cd-r.


Ulcerrhoea - Rise For The Downfall (2007)

Ulcerrhoea was a one-man goregrind (early years) / crustgrind / mincecore band from Sweden who was active from 1998 to 2003. Magnus Lundberg was the extremely talented swede behind this band and has since gone on to do a handful of other solo projects, such as Netjajev Society System and Syphilitic Vaginas. Rise For The Downfall compiles all of the more obscure or harder to find releases of the band, (mostly demos and rehearsal tapes) on one CD. I definitely recommend checking out anything by Ulcerrhoea if you don't know them and no matter of what type of grind you're into, because it's got something for everyone.


Scatologic Madness Possession - Devotes Of Insalubrity (2008)

Scatologic Madness Possession was a goregrind band from Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil and was formed in 2002. Musically, SMP is undoubtedly in the vein to the old-school days of goregrind; taking major influence from mainly Dead Infection Last Days Of Humanity and Regurgitate. There are also very prevalent influences coming from crustgrind, mincecore and noisecore; bands like Extreme Noise Terror, Agathocles, Disrupt, Rot, Warsore, Gore Beyond Necropsy, etc. The end result is a very disgusting and punishing heap of aggressive old-school goregrind. Devotes Of Insalubrity was their first and last full-length CD, it was released by the Brazilian, Rotten Foetus Productions.


Devastation Of Life - Demo (2006)

Devastation Of Life is a crustgrind band from Greece and I'm not sure when they formed, although I'd presume around the early 2000s. Still relatively unknown, Devastation Of Life are comparable to Disrupt, Extreme Noise Terror or even Rot. This is their second CD-r demo.


Thursday 5 April 2012

Sauerkraut, Primordial Noise & Vampiric Cold Blood - A 3-Way Split CD

Sauerkraut is a mincecore / noisecore band from Bulgaria; Primordial Sounds is a noisecore band from Belgium; Vampiric Cold Blood is a noisecore band from Greece. These bands are some of the best old-school noisecore in the scene today, so if you've not heard of either three and love noisecore then you really need to get this.


Monday 2 April 2012

Grinchfinger & Gripe - Summer Tour 2012

Grinchfinger is a weed-obsessed mincegrind band from Central Georgia, USA and Gripe is a mindblowingly destructive powerviolence band from Athens, Georgia, USA. Both bands are embarking on, what I believe is, their first ever tour starting in late May. Unfortunately, it's a fairly short number of days they'll be playing for but make sure you check this out if they're playing in your area!

Saturday, May 26 - Augusta/Athens, GA**
Sunday, May 27 - Chattanooga, TN @ Spring Break House w/ 40 oz Folklore, TBA
Monday, May 28 - Greensboro, NC @ TBA w/ Priapus, TBA*
Tuesday, May 29 - VA/DC**
Wednesday, May 30 - Philly**
Thursday, May 31 - Baltimore, MD @ Sidebar Tavern w/ Mind as Prison, Universal Remonster, Peniside

Friday, June 1 - Friday, June 1 - Greenville, South Carolina @ a punk house w/ Triangle Fire, TBA
Saturday, June 2 - Savannah, GA @ Orphan Cage*

** = Need to fill
* = Tentative

Onanizer - Too Good To Be True (2005)

Onanizer is a mincecore band from Aš / Praha / Geel, Czech Republic. They've got a unique sound to them and can't really be compared to one single band or lumped into one single grind sub-genre; aside from mincecore, incorporated are hints of fastcore, avant-garde / experimental grind and even a little bit of goregrind. Personally, I would say they sound most like Agathocles, Gride (all eras) and Yacøpsæ mixed together with an overdose of humor. Too Good To Be True was their second full-length record and was released on CD.


Sunday 1 April 2012

Active Stenosis & Hyperemesis - Split Tape

Active Stenosis is a goregrind two-piece from Thess / Niki, Greece (formally from Russia) and Hyperemesis is one-man pathological goregrind project from Campbell River, B.C., Canada. Both bands can undoubtedly be classified as being in the old-school vein of the genre, however, Active Stenosis - who plays a crusty and pummeling breed of the genre with really incredible riffs - has been referred to as 'cyber-goregrind' - which, really, is no different than regular goregrind but has some weird effects on the guitars to make it sound like you're dissecting a corpse on a space shuttle. On Active Stenosis side of this  Hyperemesis is about as disgustingly pathological, crusty and noisy as it gets, extremely reminiscent of Autophagia, Lymphatic Phlegm and even almighty Warsore. Personally, Hyperemesis is THE most unbelievably killer band to arise out of the goregrind in the past 10-12 years, so do yourself a favor if you love true goregrind and give them a listen or better yet, order some tapes from the genius behind this project, Andy.
