Thursday 31 January 2013

Menometrorrhagia - Extreme Gore Noise Terror (2013)

Menometrorrhagia is a one-man goregrind / gorenoise project from ThessalonĂ­ki, Greece. This is some of the finest noise of it's kind in the sub-sub-genre these days; an extremely tight, vomitous, horrifying, brutal, pus-ridden slab of carnage. Main influences coming from Last Days Of Humanity, Anal Birth, Biocyst, Urine Festival or even the almighty Dysmenorrheic Hemorrhage. Ioannis - the maniac behind this project - was also behind the following: Nx5, Active Stenosis, Hydropsy, etc. Here is the first full-length for the project.


Thursday 10 January 2013

Pulsating Cerebral Slime - Demo (2013)

Pulsating Cerebral Slime is a one-man goregrind project, formed 2013 in Lyon, France. The sound is some of the most authentically precise old-school sounding goregrind to come out of the scene in some years. Main influences and stylistic similarities are Xysma, Impetigo, Repulsion, Dead Infection, early Malignant Tumour and most of all, the Swiss legends Exulceration. Anyway, this demo speaks for itself and PxCxSx is one exciting new project to deligiently keep your eye on!


Wednesday 2 January 2013

Nekromantiker - Demo (2009)

Nekromantiker is a noisy hardcore/punk band from The Netherlands. In the vein of early noise-laden hardcore classics, such as Disorder, Confuse, Gai, etc. The line-up features multiple members of the Dutch goregrind band, Intumescence. Here's their first demo a self-released CD-R that come out in 2009.


D-Clone - Creation And Distroy (2012)

D-Clone is a crasher crust / noisy d-beat band from Japan. Highly comparable to the likes of Japanese bands like Gloom, Framtid and most of all, Disclose. Extremely well done, D-Clone somehow magically is able to sound noisy as fuck while still maintaining a sense of coherence and audibility on this recording. Here's a CD-rip of their first full-length.
