Sunday 24 February 2013

Disleksick & Harsh Supplement - Split Tape (2010)

Disleksick and Harsh Supplement are two of Canada's greatest more recent noisecore acts who are coincidentally both in the province of Ontario. Disleksick's sound varied quite a bit from release to release, on this one a mix of some micro-songs, improv whatever with some musical elements. Harsh Supplement typically do the "ultra-short noise explosions" like classics Deche-Charge and 7xMON. The tape was released on the label of David from Disleksick, Coffin Crawl Records.


Submersed Cadaver - Living In A World Comprised Of Ecological Malfunctions (2008)

Submersed Cadaver was a two-man gorenoise / noisecore project done by James F. Tarr (ex-Canker, Elephant Man The Sun, Intestine Stew Tapes and I'm sure a lot of other projects I'm forgetting) and Steve P.  - who I think is the same Steve of Vomitoma + a billion other gore projects, Splatterfuck Tapes/Recs. Really quality material, you can tell there's a solid variety of influence. Also a nice environmentalist theme to this project. This was released on Splatterfuck Tapes - who has since died and turned into Degenerate Slime Distro.


7-Way Split CDr - Destroy After Use (2007)

Great 7-way split that the infamous Septic Aroma of Reeking Stench put out. It features Acrophagia (gorenoise from unknown parts), Gorgonized Dorks (noisecore from the states), Kusari Gama Kill (noisecore from Denmark), Lacerated Tissue (gorenoise from Italy), Pus Pox (gorenoise from unknown parts), Praia de VĂ´mito (noisecore from Brazil) and Succulent Torso (goregrind from the states).


Monday 4 February 2013

Meatal Ulcer - Craniopagus Parasiticus 2012-2012 (2012)

Meatal Ulcer is a one-man goregrind project from Melbourne, Australia. Formed in 2012 by Leo Witcroft (who is also the bassist of the Australian goregrind outfit, Die Pigeon Die), the sound is undoubtedly in the old-school vein but has a unique sense chaos to it that to me falls somewhere near gorenoise styling. It's a little hard to make any sonic comparisons or sight any clear references, but rest assure this is some of the finest dingy and chaotic lo-fi basement goregrind. Keep your eye on this project though, I can only see it getting progressively more pulverizing from here. Craniopagus Parasiticus is a compilation tape collecting MxUx content from various past releases.
